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The cost of replacing a medic, both financially and in time invested, is steep. Finding and hiring promising candidates is only one piece of the staffing puzzle.

In this series, learn how to onboard team members to set them up for long-term success, through the first 90 days, the first 6 months and beyond; as well as strategies for new candidates, from getting through the academy to the first days and weeks on the job.

Harris County ESD11 Mobile Healthcare developed 10 commandments to set initial expectations while onboarding 200 paramedics
Learn how EMS leaders and providers can navigate career development hurdles and create a future of meaningful professional growth
From what to include in the welcome packet to how to incorporate resiliency training and family outreach – here’s how to improve your new employee orientation
Avoid these mistakes to onboard EMTs who will thrive in EMS, and give their all to your agency
Breaking down some light-hearted and professionally-serious tips to start and build a successful career in EMS
Shortcutting the onboarding process and hazing are setting new providers up for failure
RAA focuses on a culture of safety, resilience training and face time with the chiefs when orienting new employees to the organization
In this episode, our co-hosts are joined by Maria Beermann-Foat to discuss how agencies can start the retention process in the first 90 days of a new hire
12 strategies for laying a foundation for a rewarding career while onboarding new employees
While important for employee development, performance evaluations are only as good as the effort put forth to create them
The AAA/Newton 360 turnover survey measures the cost of replacing EMTs and paramedics
If providers don’t feel like part of a team, they’ll seek a connection elsewhere
Employee turnover costs money and morale points, so how can organizations raise retention levels among workers?